Ever since coming back to work from the holidays, I have felt inadequate on the home front. Call it working mom guilt, stress, frustration at my inability to "get it all done", or all of the above. Whatever it is, I have had a bad case of it. To be perfectly candid, sometimes I just feel like I suck at life. Maybe not life in general, I mean I am not a mass murderer, but I suck at my life. I often feel like one of those circus performers who tries to keep all those plates spinning on the sticks, but mostly I have broken plates. Yesterday, however, all my "plate-spinning" was affirmed.
It was pajama day at Chase's school, and way back in August when we signed up for our classroom days, this seemed like an ideal time for me to
volunteer. In reality, the second week after students return to class was probably not the ideal volunteer day. Alas, all that was required of me was to bring in a special snack. I brought in muffins still warm from the oven and read the class "If You Give a Moose a Muffin". This put me at my office around ten and sent my day into a tailspin, so when I arrived home after 7 I was exhausted.
Before putting Chase to bed, I asked him if the class had liked their snack. He said, "Sure, everyone loves muffins." "Well, good, " I said and turned back to whatever I was working on. Then Chase ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and said, "I love you, Mom. I am glad you're my mom." I told him I was glad to be his mom and thought to myself, 'now that is what makes it all worthwhile." And it is.