Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Half a year's time

Here is Noel six months ago...

and here he is now....

I always tell the college freshmen I teach that, "Time flies whether you are having fun or not." I did not coin that phrase but it couldn't be more true. The past six months at our house have been incredibly fun thanks to this little blessing, and they have flown by. As my dad said to me on Sunday, " You definately got the fat, happy baby you always wanted." Noel is pure joy and I try to enjoy every snuggle, giggle, and even diaper change. Next thing I know he will be diving in the pool just like big brother.


Kim said...

I love his squeezy cheeks! I know what you mean by time flies whether you're having fun or not! It is amazing how they grow and change so quickly.
Can Chase teach me how to dive? I never could get that right!
Oh and it is good to know what HULK paint looks like!

MaryBeth said...

He is so squeezable!! I love it! Have you given any thought to celebrating his half b-day?