Monday, June 16, 2008

Decked out Dad

Finally, I am uploading the pictures to go along with this post. Above is the hulk colored windchime.

Noelly crashed out on the nearly finished deck.

Happy Belated Father's Day to all Dads!
Blogger is not cooperating with me this weekend, thus no pictures. Chris has been working tirelessly with all his free time to put a new deck on our house. It is almost finished, thanks to his dad who has been donating all his free time to help! We had a great Father's day weekend. Chase presented his dad with a handmade birdhouse and a handpainted set of windchimes both of which he made at VBS last week with his best buddies Aydan and Ansley. Without pictures I can't really do the post justice, but before I even saw the windchimes Chase made me guess what color they were. The answer, which I guessed incorrectly because of my ignorance to the entire spectrum, was Hulk. I bet you didn't know that was a color either.
He also made his dad's card, which he turned into an envelope and put thirty cents of his own money in and then taped up tighter than Ft. Knox. I later heard him ask his Nanny to guess what he was giving his dad for Father's day. When she said the has no idea he said, "Cash, I am giving him cash." He knows what Chris likes.
Our family is so blessed by the dads, grand dads, and God fathers in our lives. We love each of you!

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