Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Dark and Stormy Night

We had a really strange and now that I look back, comical evening last night. Chris had to work late so I had to do the boys and dinner solo. I threw some fish and vegetables in the oven got myself and Noel in our swim suits and hit the pool for a little while. Noel was sleepy, but we really had missed that late afternoon nap window so we pressed on. I was shocked to find it was already 7pm when we came in the house and tried to feed Noel while finishing the rest of dinner. To say that Noel does not care for baby food lasagna is an understatement as he projectile vomited across the tray of his high chair while Chase whined at my arm that he thought he was going to starve to death.
I placated Noel with a Zweiback and managed to get dinner on the table. Noel's disposition had gone downhill fast and I ended up putting him in my lap facing me where he promptly went to sleep (and covered me in pre-chewed Zweiback). I then proceeded to try and eat my dinner over his sleeping little head. Chase had been excused to watch cartoons. About half way through my meal, I manage to suck a piece of potato down my throat and start to choke. It was a tiny bit of potato, so it wasn't like my airway was blocked but I couldn't catch my breath. My coughing fit woke up Noel, whom I had to put in the pack and play, and he was MAD and screamed his displeasure. Meanwhile, I begin to think I might black out and got a little scared. Chase, meanwhile, is so wrapped up in Cartoon Network he doesn't even notice that I am coughing and wheezing like there's no tomorrow. When he finally gets disturbed by the coughing and screaming, he says to me in a perturbed way, " why don't you drink something?" Well, that is because I was so busy feeding you and your brother I didn't make myself a drink. I must of looked pretty frightful because when he saw me he got really scared and kept asking me if I was ok.
Oh, I think I failed to mention that by this time it had started thundering in the distance and whenever our dog, Buddy, hears any thunder he goes crazy. So, hear we have a screaming baby, a choking mother, an insane, barking dog, and no dad. Good times.
Chris came home, the storm died down, and Noel went to bed. Thirty minutes later the storm picks back up, the dog goes crazy and Noel is up. I didn't even try to get him to go back down. Who could sleep in that chaos. I decided instead to give him a late night snack since he really didn't eat dinner, and just do the bedtime routine again when the storms passed. Chase meanwhile had been put to bed, but got up every time there was a loud boom of thunder to make sure everything was ok. Did I mention that this whole time Buddy is barking his head off and running around the house like a wild beast? I was contemplating what I could mix the Vodka in my freezer with. Chris was exhausted and trying sleep ( I laugh a little as I type that).
Deciding vodka and grape juice was not a good combo, I began the bedtime ritual (aka exercise in futility) for the 2nd time that night. At 10:30 Chris brought Noel into our bed where Chase had already joined me. Both boys looked at each other and started giggling. They have already started plotting against us. Shortly after lights out, I feel Buddy hop up on the end of the bed, so all the boys in our house ended up in our bed except the one that belongs there. Oh well, we really needed the rain.


Tara said...

Hilarious. Thanks for the laughs. Glad you can have a snese a humor in the midst of it all. I'm still a work in progress in that department.

LeAnne said...

Sounds like a typical night at the Singleton's!! I am with you on the vodka. Sometimes you just have to do whatever it takes to survive:)

Lindsey Oliver said...

Too funny, Amanda! You crack me up.

Kim said...

That's funny! Every time it thundered that night Emma Grace jumped so high in her sleep that she would end up facing a different part of her crib when she landed. It was quite amuzing watching it in the video monitor while awake myself due to the noise! Yes! We did need the rain.