Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back to School

Toady was the first day of first grade for Chase. He was PUMPED! He got right up, dressed quickly (though when I tried to tell him what shoes to wear he sighed "you are such a woman" in exaperation, refused breakfast (and I offered him everything in the kitchen), and stood at the door rushing me along. He rushed me so much I forgot my camera. We arrived at school ten minutes before they opened up for carpool. As we were waiting, I asked him what he was most excited about. His reply, "homework". I thought he was being sarcastic, but no. He said he thought it would be fun. I am absolutely slammed getting ready for school to begin at my Universtiy so I haven't had much time to blog. I just had to record this though, so this time next month when I am dragging him out of bed, telling him to get dressed 20 times, and fighting with him over homework I will have this memory.

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

Guess this answers my "is Chase ready for school to start" question. Glad he's excited!!