My New Year's Resolution is to bring back the blog! I do not usually make New Year's resolutions, but I have been feeling super horrible about my blog neglect. I have so much to report. Obviously the holidays, and Noel's big 3rd birthday. Anyways, I am glad to be back!
Just before Christmas I had an experience that led me to resolve to blog. So here is the story:
Noel is obviously becoming more self-aware. One day he saw a photo of a black man holding a child and said, "that is Noelly and Noelly's Daddy." I just laughed and told him his Daddy was in the bedroom. A few weeks later, at his parent teacher conference I shared the story with his teachers and encouraged them to be open about his adoption and race. A few days later, his teacher told me he had said one of his black schoolmate's father was his daddy.
On the way home Noel said to me, " I want to change colors." Immediately, my mind began to race with worry. I probed Noel and asked him why he wanted to change colors, and he said it was because Daddy wanted him to. Extra panic. Finally, I asked him what color he was going to change to and he said yellow. I was so upset at this point. I was thinking about pursuing counseling, and was nearly in tears that my sweet baby thought he needed to change colors.
I even went so far as to tell Noel that he was perfect and the we loved him no matter what and he never, ever had to change colors. I am telling you, I was beside myself. I am not sure why, but something made he think to ask Noel what color I was. The answer, pink. So then I asked what color Daddy was-green. Chase? Brown
So as it turns out we are just one colorful family and all is well in the world.