Monday, February 4, 2008

The Lecture

Ok, we did have a wonderful weekend, but there was some negativity, and it deserve it's own post. On Friday night,Chase managed to overhear a conversation between his dad and I regarding POTENTIALLY selling our house to buy something larger. He got very upset and said he didn't want to move and so on and so forth, but then something else came along and he dropped the issue. Flash forward to Sunday morning after church when I am squeezing my hand between a booster and a carseat to buckle Chase in (not to mention my big a** in the backseat with them), and I say off handedly..."We really need a bigger car."
Chase went off. He informed me we were not getting a bigger car or a bigger house. That all I wanted to do was waste money and I wasn't being thankful for what I had. He was absolutely on a rant. He went on and on for 20 minutes. I know, what kind of parent let's their 6 yr. old lecture them for 20 minutes, but you would just have had to see how impassioned he was. It was so funny too because he was using phrases from lectures Chris and I had given in the past about being thankful and not wasting money. My thoughts were alternating between pride (some of what we have been saying is getting through) and shame (my 6 yr. old is lecturing me) as he went on and on.
All in all it was a humbling 20 mins. I honestly try to be an example when it comes to being thankful for my blessings. Do I need to work harder? This whole story is tempered by the fact that earlier that morning Chase had coveted a toy on a t.v. commercial. When I reminded him of that fact during my lecture, he said, "Yes mom, but I only want one thing today." Maybe if I had only left it at a bigger house,it would have been acceptable???


MaryBeth said...

See, I told you that even though Chase is 6 there would still be plent of good stuff to blog about!
How funny he is... but I know what you mean about being greatful just to know that some of it is sinking in!!

Kim said...

Hey Amanda. It sounds like you have you a little financial advisor on your hands. We appreciated your comment on our site. Aunt Bubbles said she doesn't charge a lot for putting babies to sleep just give her a call. Ha Ha!!

We make sure she is good and full before we put her to sleep. We use to mix a little cereal in with her milk, but we realized later that that was keeping her from going to the bathroom. Take care!!!

Kim said...

I've been trying to teach myself to watch what I say around Emma. Just so that when the time comes for her to understand MAYBE I'll be ready???? It's amazing how much kids soak up!